Jincy’s Southern Exchange has a BOUTIQUE TRUCK! When I told folks about my idea of a mobile boutique truck, they looked at me like I was crazy. I mean, let's be honest, I quit my full time teaching job to open a retail boutique in a one red light town. I am crazy, so all of my employees just look at me sideways with their best, “I cannot with you,” turn the music up, and embrace my craziness. So, my uncle had this 1994 box truck in his equipment yard, and somehow his favorite niece (okay, I may be the only niece on our side of the family) ended up with it. It was so much more work than I ever anticipated, but with help from literally everyone, here she is! She cranks right up and brings the boutique to you! She will allow ladies to host private parties at their homes with their girlfriends, go to festivals, and host pop-up shops at businesses. I cannot say THANK YOU enough to everyone who has had a hand in restoring her!
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